AMPure, through a patented technology, develops, registers and places on the market new anti-acne dermocosmetic formulations – cream/booster, foam, soap.
Bridging the gap between Basic research and Industrial development
By applying internal capabilities and exploiting funds from national and European Grants, C4T has driven proprietary early discovery projects and gained expertise in specific research areas. Hit identification and Hit to Lead programs are performed in tight collaboration with Academia partners in charge of projects molecular biology.”
# Molecular Target
2 PIM-1 Kinase

Original Focused library of PIM-1 Inhibitors (Unpublished data)
- In vitro potency (EC50 nM)
- In vitro specificity & selectivity (wide Kinases panel)
1 CB2 Receptor

CBR Drug Discovery Platform
- Original Focused library of CB2R modulators (WO 2014097188 A1)
- In vitro potency (EC50 nM)
- In vitro specificity & selectivity (CB1, FAAH, MAGL)
- Good in silico ADME-T Profile
3 Gelatinases
(MMP-2 and MMP-9)

Original Focused libraries of MMPs inhibitors
- C4T 1466 Series – Non hydroxamate Zinc Binding Group
IC50 low nanomolar range (Unpublished data) - C4T 1374 Series :
IC50 pico-molar range ( WO 2008148617 A1) - C4T 1360 series – Selective MMP2 inhibitor
IC50 low nanomolar range ( Bioorg.Med.Chem. 2012)
4 Tγδ linfocytes

New class of Tγδ linfocytes activators ( J.Med.Chem. 2009)
- Thiopyrophosphate lead Series
- IC50 nano-molar range ( WO 2007099117 A1 )
- In vitro stability vs alkaline phosphatase
- IC50 nano-molar range ( WO 2007099117 A1 )
PNR 2015-2020 PON-FSC - Bio-D Project - Oct. 2020 - current
Development of diagnostic biomarkers for precision medicine and personalized therapy
- Beforpharma Srl
- Center for Outcomes Research and Clinial Epidemiology s.r.l
- CNR IMM Lecce
- Ente Ospedaliero “Saverio de Bellis” – IRCCS
- eResult Srl
- EryDel Spa
- Fondazione CER – Malattie Renali
- Fondazione di Religione e di Culto “Casa Sollievo della Sofferenza”
- INFN – Bari
- Innovaal Scarl
- Laboratorio Nazionale Consorzio Interuniversitario Biotecnologie (LNCIB)
- Progetto Azienda Srl
- Università del Salento
- Università degli Studi di Bari
- Università degli Studi di Roma “Tor Vergata”
- Università degli Studi di Trieste
- Università degli Studi di Urbino
Funding Scheme
MIUR Cluster Alisei - IVASCOMAR Project - 2013-2017
Development of diagnostic and prognostic tools for neurodegenerative diseases
Official Website
- Fondazione Centro San Raffaele – FCSR – (IT)
- Università di Milano Bicocca -(IT)
- Università San Raffaele – (IT)
- Dompè – (IT)
- Primm – (IT)
- Sentinel – (IT)
Funding Scheme
Regione Lazio II° DTB - INTERACTOMA Project - 2012-2015
Development of new inhibitors of the bacterial cell cycle with low risk of resistance”
- ACRAF – Aziende Chimiche Riunite Angelini Francesco – (IT)
- University of Rome “Tor Vergata” (IT) – Prof. M.Paci
- Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (IT) – Prof. P. Navarra
Funding Schemes:
Regione Lazio – Lazio Innova
VII FP (HEALTH) - FLORINASH Project - 2010-2015
The role of intestinal microflora in NAFLD
Partnerships :
- Hospital de Girona (SP)
- University of Rome “Tor Vergata” (IT) – Prof. M. Federici
- Imperial College(UK)
Funding Schemes:
European Union’s Research and Innovation
Regione Lazio I° DTB - NUMORECA - 2009-2012
New Modulator of Cannabinoid Receptor
Partnerships :
- University of Rome “Tor Vergata” (IT) – Prof. E. Finazzi Agrò
- University of Rome “Tor Vergata” (IT) – Prof. M.Maccarrone
Funding Schemes:
UNESCO - "Families First Africa" - 2007-2009
Design, synthesis and experimental check in vitro of immunogenic peptides to be used as HIV-peptides based vaccines
Partnerships :
- University of Rome “Tor Vergata” (IT) – Prof. V.Colizzi
Funding Schemes:
MIUR FIRB - 2005-2008
Design and synthesis of a new Kinase inhibitors
Partnerships :
- Nerviano Medical Science (IT)
- University of Milan (IT)– Prof. C. Scolastico
Funding Schemes:
Funding Schemes:
Ministero dell’Istruzione, dell’Universita e della Ricerca
MIUR (n° 2743/99) - MMPs and Tγδ inhibitors Project - 2002-2006
Topic A:
Design and synthesis of a new type of non-proteic antigen like activators of Tγδ lynphocytes
Topic B:
Design and synthesis of new gelatinases (MMP-2 MMP-9) inhibitors
Partnerships :
- INMI – L.Spallanzani (IT)
- University of Rome “Tor Vergata” (IT) – Prof. M. Coletta , Prof. V. Colizzi
Funding Schemes:
Ministero dell’Istruzione, dell’Universita e della Ricerca